Live2D Rigger & VTuber

Hello peope ,I'm Zerital, I'm a Live2d Rigger and Vtuber. I have done multiple Live2D video tutorials on YouTube for the Spanish community and done several Live2d Projects for almost a year.




Base Pricing: $450 USD

- Angle XYZ
- Basic Mouth
- Basic Body XYZ
- Body XZ
- Hair Physics
- Simple Clothing Physics
- Breathing
- 3 Expressions / toggles

Half Body

Base Pricing: $700 USD

- Angle XYZ
- Advance Mouth
- Body XYZ
- Eyes Physics
- Hair Physics
- Arms Physics
- Clothing Physics
- Breathing
- 5 Expressions /toggles

Fullbody Project

Base Pricing: $1000 USD

- Wide Range Angle XYZ
- Advance Mouth Forms
- Mouth X + Puffy Cheeks
- Advance Body and Hips XYZ
- Eyes Physics
- Hair Physics
- Arms Physics
- Advance Body Physics + Bounce
- Clothing Physics
- Breathing
- 5 Expressions / Toggles
- 1 - 3 Animated Toggles

Tier 1: I am going to focus mainly on the face and that it has good movement and fluidity. This tier is focused on those who are primarily interested in the movement of the face and that the model is functional and correctly complies with facial tracking. In the same way, for not very complex chibis models, it would cover the movement of the body, but with simpler movement and simpler physics than in other tiers.Tier 2: Here I am going to focus on much more detailed physics for the model, full body movement, and go for more vividness and life in the model so that every important detail has movement and physics.Tier 3: This tier is for projects that have more complete and complex art with many layers, that require special animations, special toggles, more complete and complex physics, more complete body movement, greater bounciness, in short, an advanced and complete rig. with more ideas when approaching the project.

Additional Extras

Model Complexity $10 - $250+
Additional Hairstyle $100-$300
Additonal Outfits $200-$400
Side Stepping Toggle $100
On/Off Toggle $15
Sticker Toggle $15
Animated Toggle $40+
Aditional Arms $50+
Cheek Puff $30
Tongue Out $50
Animation $50-$200+
Vbridger Tracking $150
Expressions $20-$40
Animal Ears/Tail $100
Wings $100-$200


"By reading this document and showing intent of commissioning me, you agree to all the terms and that you ensure that you are above 18 and have enough funds to purchase digital goods. You also agree to absolutely not file for PayPal disputes and chargebacks and agree to contacting me first for refunds and corrections on your commission".>PAYMENTS- Payments will be made through PayPal invoice, and the payment method corresponds to 2 payments of 50% each. One payment will be made before the start of the project and the second payment will be made before the project is delivered. The estimated rigging time will range from one to two months at the latest, so that the first payment will be made "day 1" and the second payment will be made no later than "day 60". Once the first payment has been made, the client will have a period of 60 days to make the second payment unless a previous payment plan has been established. After the 60 days, the client will be penalized with an extra 10% of the total project for each month of delay. After 2 months of not being able to pay after 60 days, the client will lose the right to the rigging project and I will be able to dispose of the model as I see fit to recover the investment.- For those who want and can make the commission in a single payment, they will receive a discount of 10% of the total final price.- PayPal Fees are shouldered by the buyer.- Don't rush the work (I will charge additional for Rushed Commissions | +30% )- Prices may change depending on the complexity of the project and if new features will be added to it.- In the case that you want to obtain a slot for the waiting list, it is necessary to make the payment of 20% of the total of the project to set aside a slot and once before starting the project make the rest of the payment, either 30% if You are going to commission in 2 payments so that the last 50% remains at the end of the project or the remaining 70% if you make the commission in a single payment- Refunds are allowed to be requested if commission has not been started. If throughout the process, either you or I come to the decision that we are not the right fit for each other and cancel the commission, only 50% of the full price may be refunded. Please make sure you are sure of your request.- I am allowed to post the Riging Process to my social media sites to promote my work, unless stated otherwise. Depending on the work, this may incur additional privacy fees. This also includes streaming my process at youtube.com/@Zerital unless stated otherwise.- I may decline any commission requests if I feel I can not fulfill your request well enough or due to my schedule.- I will not be making anything for free not unless I stated it is free / included, do keep in mind that you're paying for my time and effort- Credit me as your papa rigger in your BIO- I will send you updates on progress throughout the project, with videos or gifs attached. If you pay the commission in one playment, I will send the rigged model to you for testing along with a fully configured settings file for your desired face tracking application in any time. otherwise, if you made the payment in 2 parts, once the project is delivered, you will receive the corresponding support to configure your avatar in the program you use without any problem.- Once the project is finished, the executable file of the avatar/model is delivered, the editable file is not delivered, that remains in the sole possession of the rigger. If you want to have possession of the editable file, it will cost 50% of the total project.- If fixes or adjustments are needed, they will be done ASAP. If you would like additions or new things added to your model at a later time, we can discuss scheduling then. I will prioritize any current commission I am working on over any adjustments or additions for past models.
